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45th Annual Conference • November 3-5, 2016 • Ottawa, Canada

The Promise of International Law: Solutions for the World’s Crises

Reflecting on the past conference

The 45th annual CCIL Conference was held from November 3rd to 5th at the Department of Global Affairs in Ottawa. Once again, the CCIL was pleased with the amazing engagement of the international law community! Attended by delegates and speakers from across Canada and abroad, the Conference brought together scholars and legal professionals from a broad spectrum of backgrounds to discuss the 2016 theme: The Promise of International Law: Solutions for the World’s Crises.


The CCIL would like to thank everyone who made this conference possible: sponsors, speakers, volunteers and participants. Special thanks to the Conference Co-chairs, the immediate past President Adrienne Jarabek Marion and Vice-President Andrew Lanouette for their enthusiasm and tireless effort without which the conference would not have been possible. Our sincere thanks to the entire Intertask team who helped with the logistics and to ensure we were on track with our objectives.


We would also like to thank all the distinguished speakers who offered stimulating discussion and perspectives on various matters such as Brexit, the compliance of non-state armed groups with IHL in Syria, Iraq and Libya, the migrant crisis, climate change and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In particular, CCIL would like to thank our keynote speakers:


Mrs. Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court


The Honourable Mr. Justice Thomas Albert Cromwell, Supreme Court Justice, Supreme Court of Canada


Valerie Hughes, Director of Legal Affairs, World Trade Organization (WTO) Secretariat


Joseph H.H. Weiler, European Union Jean Monnet Chair, New York University School of Law, President, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy   


The CCIL would also like to extend our gratefulness to our generous sponsors: CIGI International Law Research Program (Diamond), Professional Association of Foreign Services Officers; Munk School of Global affairs, University of Toronto (Platinum), Bennett Jones, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, SSHRCC (Gold), Canadian Red Cross, ICRC, University Laval and University of Windsor (Bronze). Without your continuing support, the CCIL could not have produced such an outstanding conference.


Finally and not least, we would like to congratulate once again the recipient of the John E. Read Medal, Valerie Hughes and the Public Sector Lawyer Award, Alan Willis!



With kind regards,


The CCIL Board of Directors

Copyright of Supreme Court of Canada photo by  Phillipe Landreville
Keynote Speakers

Fatou Bensouda


Mrs. Fatou Bensouda is the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), having assumed office in 2012. In 2011, she was elected by consensus by the Assembly of States Parties to serve in this capacity.Mrs Bensouda was nominated and supported as the sole African candidate for election to the post by the African Union.

The Honourable Thomas Albert Cromwell


The Honourable Thomas Cromwell was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada on December 22, 2008. He had previously been appointed to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal on August 27, 1997.

Valerie Hughes


Valerie Hughes will be the recipient of the John E. Read Medal at this year's Conference. Valerie Hughes is currently Director of Legal Affairs of World Trade Organization (WTO) Secretariat. 

Joseph H.H. Weiler


European Union Jean Monnet Chair, New York University School of Law 

President, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy

Contact Us

CCIL Secretariat

c/o 275 Bay Street, Suite 200

Ottawa, Ontario

K1R 5Z5 Canada

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The Council is registered as a Canadian charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. The CCIL charitable registration number is 118830595RR0001

Tel: 613-238-4870


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