About Us
The Canadian Council on International Law (CCIL) seeks to encourage the study of international law and to broaden relations and dialogues between international lawyers, scholars, individuals and organizations across Canada and around the world.
To accomplish these objectives, the CCIL offers scholarships, grants awards, develops strategic partnerships with other organizations, and organizes international law events including our signature Annual Conference.

Our Story
The Canadian Council on International Law (CCIL) was established in 1972 in order to promote the co-operative study and analysis of international legal problems by scholars in universities and by professionals in government service and private practice.
Incorporated federally as a non-profit organization, the CCIL is an independent, non-partisan entity which relies financially on membership fees paid by its members, as well as donations or grants from individuals, corporations, foundations and governments. Contributions to the Council and membership fees are deductible from taxable income in Canada.
The origins of the CCIL can be traced back to concern expressed among Canadian professors of international law in the mid-1960's about the lack of resources then available to professors, students and practitioners of international law in Canada. It was decided that an independent organizational structure was needed to foster an effective community of international lawyers in Canada. While the primary thrust of the newly proposed CCIL’s activities was seen to be scholarly, a related aim was the facilitation of closer contact between the academic community and those officials and practitioners with a substantial professional interest in the field. A further objective was to deepen and broaden relations between Canadian international lawyers and interested individuals and organizations outside Canada.
Since its establishment in 1972, the CCIL has grown into an organisation with over 300 members from within Canada and around the world, representing a wide range of interests and professions. It provides numerous resources to this international legal community.
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